These tiny gems might be your key to losing weight.
As we get closer to the new year, it is officially time to begin thinking about your New Year resolutions. A resolution could be anything, but if exercise, improving your diet or weight loss are on your list, you are not alone. As reported by Statista, a survey on this year’s New Year’s resolutions has shown that 48% of the respondents had a goal of losing weight in the coming year. Also, 50% said that improving on their fitness levels or exercising was a new year’s resolution as well, and 39% said their resolution was improving their diet.
Because many people are likely wanting to lose weight fast during the first part of 2022, we asked Lisa Moskovitz, a member of our medical professional board, who said that to crush those hunger cravings of yours and shed weight quickly, reach for foods that are high in fiber.
“While there’s no magic wand for weight loss, certain foods could help you feel satiated and full to create the required calorie deficit for a healthy weight loss journey,” said Moskovitz.
Specifically, high-fiber foods are important for getting those hunger cravings to go away, which usually has a direct impact on weight loss.
According to Moskovitz, “fiber is a zero-calorie, non-digestible, carbohydrate that will slow down digestion so that you’ll feel full for a longer length of time throughout the day.”
High-fiber foods fill you up, because of this you will feel less hungry, and this will help you in achieving your weight loss goals.
Wondering which food has the best source of fiber in it? Moskovitz suggests legumes, specifically kidney beans, chickpeas and black beans.
“Beans contain a certain type of soluble fiber that could even help to boost metabolism,” says Moskovitz. “They are also a great source of bloat-fighting potassium, muscle-preserving plant protein, and energizing iron.”
Whether you are putting them into a soup or putting them on a salad, having your pantry stocked up on beans just might be your key to enhancing your weight loss journey.
Author: Blake Ambrose