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Brand New “Bible Fasting” Routine Has Astonishing Results

The Daniel fast plan is based on Bible verses found in the book of Daniel. During the fast, which lasts about three weeks, only some foods are allowed. It is believed to bring Christians closer to God.

The Daniel fasting plan is about Daniel 10:2-3 where Daniel says he mourned for three weeks and ate no meat or wine.

The three weeks are in reference to Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, but many Christians like doing this fast at any time.

This is worth noting that the Bible does not order Christians to follow this fast. Therefore, deciding to participate in the 21-day challenge is a decision of faith.

During the Daniel fasting plan, people are not meant to focus on not eating, but to pay better attention to the Bible and their spiritual studies, during a time of reflection. It is also crucial to focus on which foods you are allowed to eat during the fast, instead of what you can’t eat.

What Foods Are Allowed?

During theDaniel Fast, which lasts for 21 days, you can eat any vegetables or fruits. You cannot eat meat, wine or alcohol at all. Many practitioners also remove processed and refined foods.

It is easier to say what you cannot have during the 21-day challenge. The following foods are off-limits:

  • Fish, mean and other animal foods, like dairy and eggs
  • Pastries, cookies, chips or anything that has yeast or other leavening agents
  • Fried foods
  • Any beverages except than water. Incuding coffee.

Ultimately, this diet gives the basic nutrition you require as long as you are changing up your fruits and vegetables. But because it does not allow for meat and dairy, some nutrients are not there. That is why you should do this fast for a limited time and restart your normal diet for some time before attempting to complete the fast yet again.

Fasting has been studied for a long time, and there are some studies specific to the 21-Day Daniel Fast.

According to a Sept. 2010 study on 43 people, the 21-day challenge was well-tolerated by everyone who tried it. And it gave incredible improvements for many risk factors for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

Author: Blake Ambrose

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