According to a recent class action lawsuit, while it has long been claimed that eating Skittles is like “tasting the rainbow,” each bite may contain potentially hazardous nanoparticles.
The lawsuit, which was filed in the middle of July in California, claimed that the Mars Corporation is “deliberately” incorporating high amounts of the chemical titanium dioxide—which gives the sweets their color—into its products but will be prohibited from doing so in Europe because it’s a carcinogen.
The complaint also claims that Mars has not adequately warned customers about the product’s risks, which makes Skittles “unsafe for human consumption.” According to The Washington Post, the lawsuit says not warning consumers about this substance is a “fraud of omission” that constitutes numerous “violations of California law.”
In 2016, Mars promised to eliminate titanium dioxide from all of its sweets within five years. The complaint, on the other hand, claims that this hasn’t occurred by 2022, noting that other colorful candies like Nerds, Sour Patch Kids, and Swedish Fish don’t utilize it.
Mars states that the levels it utilizes in Skittles are FDA-approved and are insufficient to cause injury, in response to the lawsuit.
The food additive is mostly found in sweets, although it may also be used in cosmetics and medicine. It has no taste, color, or fragrance. According to the European Food Safety Authority, its major purpose is to make colorful food more aesthetically appealing. However, according to studies, the white, powdery substance can induce cancer, especially in the lungs when present at high dosages.
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, which is a popular grocery food, has been accused of including hazardous substances that have been linked to allergies, asthma, obesity, and hormone disruption in children. In 2018, the major blue box brand was confronted with a lawsuit regarding phthalates it had included in its products since 2017.
Outside of the sweets industry, there are a lot more hazardous foods endangering consumers right now. A recalled food from Daily Heavest’s delivery service may have caused an epidemic of severe ailments affecting almost 500 individuals, including jaundice, stomach cramps, and other symptoms in 34 states recently.