Slim down by drinking up, friends. “If you want to reduce belly fat, select juices that are filled with antioxidants,” says The Nutrition Twins and founders of The 21-Day Body Reboot, Lyssie Lakatos, and Tammy Lakatos Shames.
“Antioxidants get rid of free radicals that cause damage to cells, putting a stop to inflammation, which is connected to weight gain and belly fat,” say The Nutrition Twins, mentioning that choosing juices with the strongest antioxidants is important if you want a svelte waistline.
These nutrition pros say that the best juice for less belly fat is pomegranate juice. Ahead, we go deeper into the nutrient-dense, belly fat-blasting elixir.
Pomegranate juice is a top pick to beat belly bulge.
Pomegranate juice is the leader among juices with its slimming ability.
“One of the best tactics to lose belly fat is to decrease chronic inflammation since it causes weight gain and could be connected to belly fat because it increases cortisol, which is ‘the stomach fat hormone,'” reports The Nutrition Twins. “Cortisol causes more fat to be stored, mainly around the waist.”
“Thanks to its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that fight damaging free radicals, pomegranate juice is exactly what you want to drink if you are working on beating inflammation and belly fat that it causes,” they say.
Better yet, pomegranate juice comes with a lot more health benefits besides helping you fit into your skinny jeans.
“Its antioxidants are so strong that they have been proven to do everything from lesson inflammatory activity inside colon cancer cells, the digestive tract, breast cancer cells; reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease; fight against fungus and bacteria; improve memory; and might even prevent Alzheimer’s disease,” The Nutrition Twins say. “Also the antioxidants inside pomegranate juice have been known to stabilize people’s blood sugar levels, stopping the levels from dropping which can cause weight gain and overeating too, this deliciously sweet and tart drink is exactly what your flat-belly ordered!”