When you are buying groceries, sometimes it is a treat to get something new to try for your home. Unfortunately, in a weird set of events, the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission has announced this past Friday that a casual cleaning product seems to be turning deadly for two people that are known of, including one child. Now, a CDC investigation found the product—a popular room spray—is likely to have a deadly bacteria species that is usually only found in India.
The commission published their announcement to tell people that around 3,900 containers of a commonly used room spray were getting recalled. Six fragrance products of Better Homes & Gardens Essential Oil Aromatherapy Spray with Gemstones were in the sudden recall—those scents were: Lavender & Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon & Mandarin, Sandalwood & Vanilla, Lime & Eucalyptus, and Peppermint.
The authorities said this recall was being done after testing by the CDC showed “the possible presence of a dangerous and rare bacteria and risk of death.”
They reported the Lavender & Chamomile tested positive for the Burkholderia pseudomallei bacteria. This kind of bacteria causes melioidosis, which the CDC states “is an infectious illness that can infect animals and humans” and is “predominantly a disease in tropical climates, especially in the Southeast Asia region and northern Australia where it is common.” (However the products were supposedly made in India.)
The CDC says that signs of melioidosis infection could present in different ways, like swelling or fever, lung-related issues, body pains, headache and several others. The CDC gives a list of melioidosis symptoms on their website.
The Safety Commission also says four cases of melioidosis were being investigated in Minnesota, Kansas, Texas and Georgia, with two of these having ended in death. One of the deaths was a child.
Here are the product details the Safety Commission gives the Better Homes & Gardens Room Spray:
“The aromatherapy spray was sold at around 55 Walmart locations across the country and at walmart.com from February of this year through October for around $4. “Better Homes and Gardens Aromatherapy,” is the brand. The product was sold with a pump nozzle in the following scents and product numbers”
84140411422, Lavender
84140411420, Lavender & Chamomile
84140411424, Lime & Eucalyptus
84140411421, Lemon and Mandarin
84140411425, Sandalwood and Vanilla
84140411423, Peppermint
Author: Steven Sinclaire