If you’re looking for something to quench your thirst, a glass of water is probably the best option. If you want a beverage with health benefits, consider choosing clear tea or black coffee.
On the other hand, you might wish to reduce your consumption of milk on a routine basis due to concerns that it can raise your chance of developing Parkinson’s disease, as shown by new research.
In a study published in the Nutritional Neuroscience journal, researchers evaluated 52 pieces of research published between 2000 and the present. The randomized clinical studies and case-control studies, and follow-up investigations focusing on how nutrition affected Parkinson’s disease development and progression, were all considered.
The researchers found that these factors, including vitamins, alcohol, coffee, dairy products, and polyphenols, also the Mediterranean diet as well, either raised or lowered the risk.
The overall results of the study revealed that while polyunsaturated fatty acids, polyphenols, coffee, and the Mediterranean diet all helped to either slow or stop Parkinson’s disease development or progression, milk raised the threat.
“Getting Parkinson’s disease may be caused by a variety of things, some of which are beyond our control. Our diet could play a role in our risk of getting Parkinson’s disease, and some research suggests there is a link between consumption of dairy and Parkinson’s disease incidence. In other words, those who eat more dairy products have a greater chance of getting this illness,” Lauren Manaker, MS, a licensed nutritionist, tells us.
According to Manaker, while this research did show a link between milk consumption and Parkinson’s disease risk, it was an observational study only looking at the relationship between the drink and Parkinson’s disease.
“Association does not imply causation, and until enough good designed clinical trials are done on the subject, it is not advised that people eliminate dairy products entirely,” she adds. “Milk and other dairy products provide nutrients such as calcium, protein, magnesium, and many more. Furthermore, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans advise individuals to consume three dairy servings each day.”